Find out how you can send great email this Christmas

At Christmas consumers are opting in to spending money and are more likely to engage with email. With Christmas rounding off a hectic peak season for many, email planning is vital. Part of this planning is ensuring that email content is relevant, highly targeted and contextual.

This white paper is packed with suggestions and quick wins to help you deliver personalized, live content that's fun, festive and creative to maximise email engagement.

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Live advent calendar 

Use timed images to display an advent calendar that's live at every open. Pair with an incentive or special offer to bring the magic of Christmas to life.

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Repurpose existing content

Make your festive email content on trend and up-to-date at every open by including live images takes directly from your brand's instagram.

Quick Wins

Check out the 'Quick Wins' section for ideas that are quick and easy to implement into your emails. Minimum effort for maximum results.